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He is contemplating contacting that minister and offering him $1 million in cash if he awards the contract for five planes to his firm. 1. A) Is the payment of the million dollars legal in the United States Explain. BANGKOK, cheap jerseys Aug 10 2010 (IPS) Tobacco multinational wholesale nfl jerseys Philip Morris may have had good reason to send out victory smoke signals when Filipinos elected Benigno Aquino III to be president in May. After all, he is a regular smoker who has said he will not quit the habit.But the strong tobacco industry lobby in one of the region most lucrative cigarette markets received a sharp reminder in August that Aquino penchant for a puff under stress will not come in the way of the Philippines joining the global trend to discourage the smoking habit.Newly appointed Health Secretary Enrique Ona assured local anti tobacco groups that the health department would be pushing for higher tobacco taxes, raising hopes for a tougher policy in a country of 94 million...